Welcome to the Poland & CEE Retail Summit “Solution Providers HUB”

From Summit Insights to Market Breakthroughs: Elevating Retail & Consumer Goods Innovations!

Our Vision
We’re not just about conferences. We envision catalyzing transformative journeys that reach far beyond the conference halls. The Poland & CEE Retail Summit Solution Providers HUB was birthed from the belief that what happens post-conference is as pivotal, if not more so, than what transpires during it.

Role of Solution Providers
Solution Providers don’t just attend – they shape, drive, and fortify our events. Your insights are invaluable, helping steer discussions and ensuring managers walk away not just inspired, but equipped with actionable solutions.

How the HUB Works?

 Before the Conference

  • Join one of the exclusive Solution Providers Week pre-conference dinners.
  • Post-dinner, submit ideas and concepts you believe merit discussion.
  • Your insights will be reviewed by our advisory committees, potentially influencing panel discussions, topics, and even panelists recommendations.

 After the Conference:

  • You can detail solutions or concepts relevant to the panel discussions you attended.
  • We'll catalog these on our portal, with a brief overview and detailed click-through options (including contact details).
  • Attendees of these panels will then be notified of your insights, enabling them to turn the discussions they heard into real actions using your tools and solutions.

 Be a Part of the Solution Providers HUB! How?

1. Pre-Conference:
Attend a Solution Providers dinner. (By invitation only, but completely free.)
Interested but not invited yet? Request an invitation here.
2. Post-Conference:
Be present at the Poland & CEE Retail Summit and attend panel discussions related to your tools and solutions to ensure your submissions are aligned with conference topics.

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Why Join Us at the Poland & CEE Retail Summit 2025?
Retail Summit 2025, powered by European Conferences United, the European Circular Retail Foundations, and our esteemed partners, isn’t just another event. It's a visionary investment in the future of the retail and CPG industries. With a legacy of over 16 years, we've been at the forefront of fostering innovation and collaboration. This year, the summit promises an unparalleled scale with over 3000 attendees, more than 400 insightful speakers and panelists, and 10 specialized thematic stages. By participating:

  • Boost growth and form pivotal industry relationships.
  • Stay informed about the latest industry shifts.
  • Have your voice heard and contribute to shaping the industry’s future.

Your participation promises not just insights, but a tangible return on your time and resources. The Poland & CEE Retail Summit 2025 is where the industry’s present meets its future. Be a part of it!

 Deeper Dive into Our Unique Approach

Our Solution Providers HUB is designed to be an immersive experience, ensuring that both the content and discussions during the conference have a lasting impact. Let's explore in more detail the intricacies of how it functions:

1. Pre-Conference Collaborative Planning
Solution Providers Week Dinners: In line with the idealistic vision of the European Circular Retail Foundation, these dinners are offered at no cost, providing an exclusive platform for Solution Providers to come together in an intimate setting. To stimulate the conversation, each dinner features a panel discussion delivered by representatives from the Retail & Consumer Goods sector. The objective of these dinners and panels is to cultivate discussions around the upcoming conference, delve into industry trends, and explore potential solutions.

Idea Submission: Following the dinners, Solution Providers are actively invited to put forth their ideas, solutions, and concepts that they feel warrant attention during the conference. This spans a spectrum of topics, from pressing industry challenges to cutting-edge technologies or pioneering methods. Additionally, Solution Providers can also recommend potential panelists, offering a broader perspective and ensuring diverse voices are represented in the conference discussions.

Advisory Committee Review: The advisory committees, made up of knowledgeable representatives from the Retail and Consumer Goods industry, will thoughtfully review each submission. Their collective expertise ensures that all ideas receive due attention, and valuable insights are incorporated into the conference panel discussions. To learn more about the members of the advisory committee, you can review our Agenda tab

Panel Integration: After the comprehensive reviews by the advisory committee, ideas and solutions that stand out will find their way into the conference's core discussions.
Shaping Discussions: Some of these ideas might become the central theme for a panel discussion, ensuring that pressing and relevant topics are brought to the forefront.
Inspiring New Topics: The dynamic nature of the retail and consumer goods industry means that innovation is constant. As such, fresh and impactful ideas from the submissions could give birth to entirely new topics or sessions during the conference.

Suggesting Panelists: Not only do topics matter, but the voices behind them are equally significant. During the Idea Submission phase, Solution Providers may present potential panelists. The advisory committee, recognizing the value and expertise of these suggested individuals, might endorse these proponents or associated experts to serve as speakers or panelists. By doing so, firsthand insights and authentic perspectives are brought to the audience, greatly enhancing the depth and richness of the conference discourse.

2. During the Conference: Engage, Connect, and Showcase
Unparalleled Networking Opportunities: Plunge into a vast sea of connections with over 3000 participants. Whether you're on the hunt for the newest trends in retail, looking to reinforce current relationships, or eager to establish fresh business ties, participation offers you tailored tools and structures for optimal networking. Eager to dive in? Register here

Elevate Your Business Profile: Your presence at the Summit is only the starting point. By partnering with the Poland & CEE Retail Summit 2025, you'll not only amplify your business presence but also gain the platform to spotlight your exceptional tools and solutions uniquely. Explore the extensive opportunities on offer to partners and ensure your brand leaves an indelible mark. More information can be found here.

Spotlight Your Expertise through Speaking Engagements: Desire a more pronounced presence? Consider the exciting opportunity of becoming a speaker or panelist. However, it's crucial to note that speaking and panel opportunities are exclusively reserved for our partners. Only as partners do Solution Providers receive the unmatched privilege to grace our stage during sessions, offering a truly unparalleled platform to highlight their business.

3. Post-Conference Exploration and Continuation:
After the Summit concludes, the exploration and engagement journey takes on even greater significance, driving deeper connections and fostering actionable insights.

Submissions Tied to Panel Discussions: Solution Providers can submit detailed descriptions of their tools and solutions that relate specifically to the panel discussions they attended during the Summit. These submissions provide attendees with insights that directly build upon and expand the topics discussed at the conference.

In-Depth Insights: It's more than just listing a tool or solution. Solution Providers have the platform to offer thorough details about their offerings. They can highlight functionalities, benefits, and showcase real-world applications, all contextualized within the discussions of the Summit.
Listing on the dedicated Solution Providers HUB Portal

Each of these detailed submissions will find a home on the Poland & CEE Retail Summit Solution Providers HUB website. For every panel discussion that took place at the conference, there will be a dedicated section. Beneath this section, the related tools and solutions, as described by the Solution Providers, will be systematically listed.

Detailed Information Access:
With the Solution Providers HUB, your solutions won't just be another name in the crowd. Based on the rich details you submit, attendees receive an engaging snapshot that piques their interest. But it doesn't stop there. Those interested can dive even deeper, exploring the intricate data points, case studies, and genuine user testimonials that you've provided. This tailored approach positions your offerings front and center, allowing prospective clients to grasp the full potential of your tools and solutions. Every piece of information they access is based on your curated submissions, ensuring that your solutions shine in the best light possible.

Direct Connect: Moving from exploration to action becomes a seamless endeavor. With provided contact details, attendees can directly connect with Solution Providers, opening doors for collaborations, further discussions, or even real-world implementations.

4. Continuous Feedback and Engagement Loop
Notification to Panel Attendees: To ensure that the conference momentum continues, attendees of specific panels will be informed of solutions directly related to the discussions. This bridges the event experience with actionable post-event engagement.

Feedback Channels: Attendees have the power to share their feedback. This immediate feedback is invaluable to Solution Providers, helping them refine their tools and gain insights for optimizing their participation in subsequent events.

"Building on our legacy, the Solution Providers HUB is yet another step in our commitment to evolve the Poland & CEE Retail Summit. Rather than being a standalone event, we've always envisioned the Summit as a continuous journey of exploration, understanding, and transformation. This enhancement ensures we remain at the forefront, offering unparalleled value to our attendees and partners."

Michael Samuel Customer Service Director CEE European Conferences United